Discover how aging can be made more comfortable and secure with the help of a physical therapist. Learn about the vital role they play in maintaining your mobility, strength, and independence as you age with various therapy techniques, at-home exercises, and fall prevention strategies.

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Prolonged Sitting is a Health Risk

Beware of the chair ….Have you ever lounged all day and felt tired from doing absolutely nothing ? Is your lifestyle considered sedentary and your work is at a desk or from the couch? Is your energy down mid day when everyone else's is up?

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Guest User

I find it fascinating that after 30+ years of being a physical therapist in the healthcare field, I have experienced a multitude of holistic and functional approaches, with a vivid variation of options even for the same problem.

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Sophisticated Cloud
Sandwich Generation

Are you thinking you should sacrifice your career to take care of aging parents? There are tax exemptions, benefits and joys, but there is also a middle ground, find what feels comfortable for you and it can come in stages.

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Sophisticated Cloud